Dexamet Solution for Inj

Dexamet Solution for Inj Side Effects



Daewon Pharm


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Side Effects
Like all medicines, Dexamet Solution for Inj may cause following side effects: Stomach and gut problem such as diarrhea, feeling or being sick; inflamed pancreas such as severe pain in the back or tummy; problem with salts in the blood; heart and blood problem such as high blood pressure, blood clots; bone problems such as osteoporosis, risk of fractures, bone disease, damaged tendons and joint; recurring infections such as children pox; skin problem; eye problem such as glaucoma, cataracts, eye infections; hormone problems such as Cushingoid or moon face; nervous system problem such as headache.
If any of these side effects is noted, please tell the doctor.
Serious side effects: tell a doctor straight away.
Steroids including Dexamethasone can cause serious mental health problems. These include: Feeling depressed, including thinking about suicide; feeling high (mania) or moods that go up and down; feeling anxious, having problems sleeping, difficulty in thinking or being confused and losing memory; feeling, seeing or hearing things that do not exist; having strange and frightening thoughts, changes in action or having feelings of being alone.
If the patient has an allergic reaction to Dexamethasone see a doctor straight away.
An allergic reaction may include: Any kind of skin rash or itching of the skin; difficulty in breathing or collapse.
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